A Space to Be Just Me

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You can read my last post here. I’m starting to overthink this whole “blog” thing, while I’m sharing content I like… I think I should also just be me. I mean this is my space, right? Hmmm. Interesting thought. I don’t want to get lost into the abyss of trying to grow a following if I’m not being true to myself.

So, I created a new category today: Just me. Where I’ll share all things that probably don’t tie into my “niche” too much, but things that I feel the need to write about because why not. There’s no point in bottling up all the things in my mind because I don’t know how or where to share it.

Just me:

I’m not very good at marketing (and I’m not a fan of it) and part of my job is… marketing. I’m not expected to be a pro nor be any good at it, but as I’m surfing the web I’m noticing what good marketing is. I was literally just talking about this yesterday with my best friend. Marketing is a true skill, oh how interesting the field is. Why did I take this job you may ask? Well, marketing is only like 10% of it and experience is experience, right? Plus I get to write more than I have at any other company I’ve worked at.

I’m coming to the end of my grammar class at UCSD (no, I don’t really edit my posts) and I’m lovingggg it. I know I should probably edit my posts to the best of my ability, but since I’m not writing formally I don’t see a point in losing my voice to a comma, hyphen, or an active voice. I know I’m a bit passive. Yes, that was a grammar reference / joke. Was it any funny?

Oh, I dyed my hair back to brown. It’s fairly dark right now. It should fade soon. Goodbye orange / red. I’ll miss only the orange. Ashley, orange you glad you don’t have to keep up with the maintenance anymore?

That was another joke. Only my boyfriend will think it’s funny.

That’s all folks. I don’t think I’ll be sharing too many pictures on this. Of course, this could change by tomorrow. Hey, that’s just me.

Thanks for reading, xo, Ashley.