I Am Learning How To Stay Motivated

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Written by Ashley Lopez

Feeling unmotivated to do something you love is normal, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to overcome. Lately, I’ve been feeling so unmotivated by this whole writing and blogging thing because I keep not knowing what to write about, how to present it, and I am writing as a job now.

Stay Motivated

Hi everyone, welcome back to Ashley Spills. Ashley, here. You can check out my other posts here.

Over the past (almost) three months, I have actually been writing as a job. I honestly can’t believe I got to this point. I thought it would never happen for me. Granted, I never really tried to get a job as a writer, or in the industry, but now that I have, I feel so truly blessed. I can’t believe the feeling I get when I look out the window in front of my desk when I am writing for work. It is honestly so magical. It makes me feel fuzzy inside. Sometimes, it even feels fake. I hope I get to do this for a long time. However, I am noticing that I don’t really write for fun anymore. I keep coming up with the excuse, “it’s okay, I’m still writing.”

While this is true and I am writing (and writing some pretty cool stuff), I find myself losing touch with my personal writing and my personal goals. I’m focusing more on my work writing goals rather than my passion projects. Lately, I have been trying to learn how to stay motivated. I’m really trying to not be so hard on myself. It has only been a few months working at my new job, and I just need to get in the groove of things.

(Just wanted to share my view, I know it’s not much, but it’s everything for me.)


Interestingly enough, I am journaling more and I think it’s because my journal entries aren’t public. My written pieces for work or my blog posts are obviously public. So maybe, just maybe, I need some privacy for a few weeks. I’m not sure. I just want to go back to feeling completely uninhibited doing what I love. Journaling has been serving as a reminder for me: It’s reminding me why I love writing.

My reason to stay motivated: I love writing because although I am not perfect at it, it’s a form of expression that keeps pushing me to word vomit all I need to in order to see (read) what is going on in this big ol’ head of mine.

Overall, I just wanted to update my readers to let you know that I know I haven’t been posting consistently, but I am learning to be okay with it and to not beat myself up about it. I don’t want to lose the fire behind blogging or the thrill that comes with it, so I am not going to push myself over the edge. I’m just hitting a wall when it comes to balancing work writing and fun writing. I am learning how to stay motivated for it all—through it all.

In the end, I feel so happy to be where I am at. I’ll be even happier once I learn how to stay motivated and do it all.

Do you feel like you are able to balance your career and passion(s)? If so, drop some tips in the comment section.

PS: I am officially on Fiverr as a little side hustle, so if you ever need some help with your cover letter or resume, feel free to shoot me a message here.

Thanks for reading, xo.

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