The Ins & Outs of Navigating Your Twenties (Blog Feature)

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Written mostly by Cassaniek (Cassie) of Girl In Her Twenties

Hellooooo everyone! This is my second feature on someone else’s blog and I still get nervous about my writing, can you imagine that? The overthinker in me worries too much. I could have written about anything because Ashley gave me creative freedom (thank you Ashley) so I decided to write about why I’m blogging. I’ve written my why before but it’s never something I could ever get tired of writing about.


First let me find my manners and introduce myself. My name is Cassie, I am a 23 year old Leo who feels and thinks too much so I just had to have a blog to air those feelings and thoughts out. I’m all over the place and my blog shows my rollercoaster of life (you’ll see that when you read it).

The blog

Girl in Her Twenties was a pandemic baby, she was conceived in my mind around January 2020 and birthed in March 2020. I always wanted to just write or rant about my feelings but in my own space and on my own terms. I had started to follow Ijeoma Kola on Instagram around the early parts of the pandemic and saw her blogging so I was like ‘maybe I can do this too’. That maybe, I can do this turned into yaaay I did it.

Starting it was one of the best decisions I’ve made. My blog has been constantly changing over the last two years. I’ve played around with the layout, theme and just about everything. I found my style of writing that flows. It is a true representation of a 20 something girl navigating life. It’s messy at times, there are highs and lows but it is all authentic. It’s all me, that’s the best part too. 

If you’re reading this and you have the desire to start your own blog, DO IT! Don’t worry about the following or making it popular. Just put your heart in it and write your feelings and thoughts out. Trust me, it’ll be therapeutic and nostalgic a few years from now when you have time to read it all over.

“Because answers exist only to questions”

Mungara Tarou Krishnamurti

Ashley asked me a few interesting questions. I love questions, I tend to ask too many at times. Questions provoke thought so I’m all for it!

What does being self-aware mean to you?

Being self-aware to me means I know my present self. I know who I am in this moment, what makes me feel all the feels, what makes me sad or upset. I know what makes me me, I guess. Interestingly, one of my goals for 2022 is to be more self-aware and I’ve been doing just that.

Why do you think it’s important to understand your feelings and emotions in your twenties?

I feel A LOT so for me I need to understand my feelings, it helps me to process and figure stuff out. That internalizing helps me to better understand myself and also help those around me, understand me and how I operate/function. Understanding my feelings and emotions also helps me to better control them which calms the raging thoughts that comes with the different feelings.

What self-care activities do you indulge in?

Journaling, journaling, journaling. Lol I love to journal. I also take some time away from everyone. I’ll just cuddle up in bed and watch a few reality TV shows or a good romance movie. I might overindulge in Welch’s fruit snacks and Starburst too 🙈. My self-care is pretty simple, I try to do it at least once a month to replenish myself.

Thank you Ashley for having me, I always enjoy your posts whenever I read them. It is a honour being your June feature. I hope everyone is doing good and enjoy the rest of your week! Be safe ❤️ 


Thanks for reading, xo.

Ashley, here. I hope you enjoyed learning about Girl In Her Twenties! You should definitely check out her blog—Cassie respondes to all inquires.

If you’d like to be featured on my blog, comment below or email me at And you can check out my others posts here.

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What are your thoughts?