Written by Ashley Lopez
Hi there, welcome back to Ashley Spills. Ashley, here. I hope everyone had a great weekend; I know I did because I was finally able to relax and had two movie nights with my boyfriend. We are watching the Hunger Games series right now, he’s never watched them and he’s liking them; I’ve watched them, but I swear I barely remember anything… lol.
Anyways, on Wednesday you were supposed to write down what makes you feel confident, what inspires you, and what brings you bliss. (I linked Wednesday’s post.) I believe once you speak it, do it, or write it (“it” being a goal you want to accomplish or something you want to do), the universe will pick up your frequency and decide what path to take you through to get there. However, you must work towards it and keep speaking, doing, or writing (or all three).
What makes you feel confident
As I will do as well, with your list I’d like you to implement at least five things (on different days [can be all five at once, but has to be on separate days]) on your list every week for the rest of the month; that’ll be fifteen to nineteen days of feeling confident.
My logic: If you end the year feeling positive, strong, beautiful, etc. you will start 2022 feeling driven to keep the feeling up and do so much with your well-earned empowerment.
Here’s my list: curled eyelashes/fake eyelashes, eyeliner, black pants, clean hair, moist lips, no body hair, eating healthy, running a mile, no panty lines, nice clothes, and writing.
What inspires you
I’d like you to enforce at least four things on your list every week for the rest of the month; that is about fourteen to sixteen days that you feel inspired, which will hopefully lead you to feel motivated.
My logic: If you end the year feeling motivated to reach your goals on a consistent basis, you will start your year inspired to stay inspired.
Here’s my list: podcasts, music, reading, nature, the ocean, writing, Pinterest, YouTube videos, movies, and walking.
What brings you bliss
I’d like you to do at least one thing on your list every day for the rest of the month; that’s twenty-six days of feeling happy (for at least a moment) every single day into the new year.
My logic: If you end your year feeling joyful, you will start 2022 happy, which will then lead you to feel eager towards the new year ahead!
Here’s my list: watching tv, yoga, writing, organizing my space, staying at home, a new recipe, baking, passion projects, movie nights, plants, friends, trees, and family.
With 2021 wrapping up we have to take action now to make sure we ALL slay (definition 2) in 2022. It’s also a good idea to to set your New Years resolutions NOW! Soon, I will write about how to set We have to finish the year bold.
If we start good habits now, there’s a better chance we won’t let the holidays slow us down from reaching our aspirations and personal development. I hope this helps answer, “How to end your year strong?”
Thanks for reading, xo.
Other resources
New Year quotes (inspirational)
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Happy new year 2022 😁💗📖📙🙏
Happy New Year! 😀 thanks for reading, xo.
You are [ always] very welcome! 😆😁📲🖥💻⌨🖊✒📖📚